Dr. Judy Wood linked the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers to molecular dissociation. She then proposed Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) as the cause. However, a proposed natural pathogen for 9/11 also accounts for present conditions on the dusty, waterless, red planet Mars. Mars was once a water planet. Hellas is a large impact basin. One impact was so powerful that it blasted chunks of the Martian surface into space, and Martian meteorites from that impact have been recovered in Antarctica. States of matter differ in shared electrons. A gas has a higher ratio of electrons to protons than a solid. When a solid is suddenly pulverized on Mars or concrete in the Twin Towers the positive ionic dust particles possess an affinity for electrons, and shanghai them from electron donors like metals. Metal ions transform into oxides (rust) by stripping the weak hydrogen bonds from water, incorporate the oxygen, and release hydrogen ions (protons). A large instantaneous quantity of pulverized solid became electron ravaging dust clouds that transformed metals into oxides, produced cold fire that consumed water, and left behind metal oxide dust and hydrogen: Mars as we know it.
For technical details read my earlier posts
9/11 Dr. Judy Wood Review and
9/11 Hutchison Effect Review.
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