Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Public Domain Software

“All for one, and one for all,” mights just as well be the motto of the Free Software Movement. The opportunity exists for an exponential payoff when implementing information technology during the Obama administration that will produce a lasting affect. The free software philosophy offers a third alternative to the traditional mix of public and private interests.

The drawbacks of a completely public effort are taxpayer expense, limited resources, and bureaucratic obstacles. The drawbacks of a completely private effort is pay for access, and a closed interface. Neither public nor private approaches provide a truly open interface. In the proprietary software sector software is treated as goods, not as a service. In the free software community software is treated as a service, not as goods. In the free software community programmers get paid by the job, as a service, but the software product becomes public domain. This allows free software to build upon itself, like public domain, peer review science.

By adopting public licenses government agencies can provide the data and interfaces while relying on the free software community to write software that interpret the data. Consumers of public data can range from think tanks and the media, to public agencies and private citizens, but the software must become public domain, so facts can be double checked. With free software, errors of interpretation can be exposed, and bugs fixed, as in public domain, peer review science. Then new software can build upon the old, introducing a multiplier effect and a model for public domain openness and efficiency.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

9/11 Dr. Judy Wood Review

George Bush and Dr. Judy Wood both misdiagnosed the pathogens responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center twin towers, however Dr. Wood does deserve tremendous credit for her courage in collecting and classifying intriguing evidence dismissed or ignored by mainstream investigators. Let's review the case presented by Dr. Wood and consider a natural, albeit rare, phenomenon that is consistent with her findings of molecular dissociation, but does not involve any Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) pathogen.

Traditional explanations fail to address the apparent phenomenon of molecular dissociation identified by Dr. Wood. However, if I am correct, the only non al-Qaeda conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks is a de facto one resulting from the groupthink practices employed by mainstream science and pseudoscience alike that reject contrary evidence and interpretations outright. Revolutionary science proposes a natural, albeit rare, phenomenon as the pathogen responsible for molecular dissociation, while exposing a systemic failure of the scientific method and of practitioners thereof.

Dr. Wood's continuing investigation adheres to the scientific method, as mainstream efforts focused on treating the symptoms of the twin towers aftermath, while a reputable diagnosis of the disease has escaped identification until now. Was this a conspiracy, something akin to medical malpractice, or simply treating the symptoms of an unidentified disease with no known cure? I accept Dr. Wood's diagnosis of molecular dissociation, but her Directed Energy Weapon pathogen borders on the brink of nonsense. So I present a sensible alternative that is consistent with the symptoms and explains her molecular dissociation conclusion.

In addition, the pathogen I propose also has implications for explaining the present conditions on the planet Mars, where evidence for water exists absent the presence of water, and dust storms obscure large parts of the planet surface for extended periods of time. A Directed Energy Weapon did not create current conditions on Mars. A meteor impact did. The dust created by the twin towers incident also resembles the pumice residue from the eruption of Mount St. Helens. The coincidences between these rare events begs for a universally acceptable, natural explanation. Dr. Wood identified another rare event that also belongs in this group: Hiroshima.

Dr. Wood presented an interesting but misleading analogy, when she likened the twin towers to trees. A tree with a hole in the side does not fall down, as the twin towers did. Although true, the analogy ends there. Where the towers as trees analogy fails is when we consider what conventional wisdom dictates should have happened after the airplanes struck the twin towers. Investigators paid to reverse engineer the disaster concluded that the impact of the airplanes blew insulation off the floor supports. The airplane fuel fires then weakened the floor supports to the point where floors immediately above the fires broke loose and plummeted down slamming into lower floors.

What should have happened according to conventional wisdom after that? The force with which lower floors were hit by collapsing floors from above sheared the bolts holding the floor supports to the primary support columns. In the case of the twin towers the primary support columns were located on the exterior of the skyscrapers, like the bark on a tree. All the floors below, and including the floors weakened by blown off insulation and fire, should have cascaded down the shaft inside the exterior shell and smashed into rubble at bottom, like an elevator in free fall plummeting down an elevator shaft and hitting bottom. Between the floors, compressed air should have blow out the windows to escape, ejecting material like paper and dust in the process.

The final disposition of the twin towers should have been a hollow space between the impact points and rubble at the bottom, where the lower floors were located prior to the incident, and confined between the shell of still standing exterior support columns. Floors above the impact should have remained intact, with a hollow core in between, resembling an empty cardboard box sealed at the top and bottom, or rather a cage since all the windows were blown out leaving holes in the exterior. The distance from the impact points to the bottom is shorter than from top to ground. The discrepancy forwarded between the timing of gravity and the rate of "collapse" incorrectly assumes the top to bottom distance.

However, in the final analysis trees do not act this way, because the wood inside a tree is the primary support column, not the bark. But the inconsistent disposition of the twin towers refutes this scenario. Dr. Wood was on to something, but she never arrived at a universally acceptable solution, which is what I have to offer.

Dr. Wood presented her evidence and conclusions at conferences that were recorded in the following videos.

9/11 - The New Hiroshima - Part 1 - Dr. Judy Wood, Madison, Aug 2007

9/11 - The New Hiroshima - Part 2 - Dr. Judy Wood, Madison, Aug 2007

Judy Wood - 9/11 Search for Truth

Misdiagnoses: Directed Energy Weapon
Based upon the evidence she collected, Dr. Wood concluded that the World Trade Center twin towers were destroyed by some force leading to molecular dissociation. Dr. Wood claims that after all other explanations are evaluated and rejected only a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) pathogen remains.

This is a bold statement that can never be proved, without a factual admission of guilt and supporting evidence. Using the scientific method a theory can never be proved only falsified. To expose the logical fallacy of a single explanation hypothesis we need only devise a rival explanation for molecular dissociation. Below I present a rival explanation that is consistent with the evidence and comprehensive in its ability to explain the affects and aftereffects, thus calling into question Dr. Wood's Directed Energy Weapon conclusion.
A Natural Molecular Dissociation Pathogen
To arrive at a natural explanation, we need to go back to basic principles. The organization of electrostatic bonds is what distinguishes the four states of matter from each other, i.e. solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. In a solid the molecules share electrons. In a liquid and gas the molecules do not share electrons. In a liquid like water the molecules are electric dipoles and when aligned properly the opposite polarity of nearby molecules attract each other. In a gas the molecules repel each other, because all the orbitals are full of unshared electrons. In a plasma the atomic nucleus and electrons are separate ions.

The differences between the concrete slab floors of the World Trade Center before and after slamming into each other include surface area, electron sharing, and the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. The tremendous amount of released energy concentrated on ripping the molecular bonds of concrete asunder. Once the floors cracked the electrostatic force properties along the fissures changed drastically into an electron deficit along the newly exposed surface area. Confined in space and time this electron deficit triggered a runaway chain reaction, where newly formed positive ions shanghaied electrons away from atoms with weak electric bonds, like hydrogen and metals. The result was molecular dissociation of solids composed of these elements, like steel beams, and concrete which contains the metal calcium. Solids disintegrated into smaller and smaller particulates, which added to a growing positive ion particulate cloud. Positive ions repel each other which caused the cloud to expand. This is what we observed in the twin towers' destruction.

Paper does not conduct electricity well. Consequently, paper and trees survived unscathed, whereas structural beams, cement, rebar, wires, and cars did not. When electrons are shanghaied from metal, individual atomic nuclei become positive ions and repel other positive ions. The metal disintegrated through a process of molecular dissociation, and the positive ion cloud intensified in concentration with this additional matter. No external source of energy was ever required. Lacking a supplemental source of electrons the positive ion cloud continued to grow and propagate on its own.

When concentrated ionic dust landed on buildings or pavement it ate a hole in the structures expanding a gaping wound from the inside out, like a molecular acid reminiscent of the corrosive alien blood from the Alien sci-fi film series. Solids disintegrated and increased the ratio of positive ions. Since solids share electrons, the positive charge of protons outnumber the negative charge of electrons in solids. The positive ions repelled each other and produced the fuming effect. Parts of buildings disintegrated into positive ion fumes.

Not all the dust settled to the ground. Instead the cloud went up because the positive ions repelled each other. At the level of protons and electrons, the electrostatic force dominates the gravitational force by orders of magnitude in the range of ten to the thirty-sixth, or a billion times a billion times a billion times a billion. When ionic dust came into contact with bare metal, electrons were shanghaied from the metal atoms, which changed the composition of alloys and promoted rapid oxidation. Metal beams disintegrated and rusted, engine blocks and door handles disintegrated, cars bodies rusted, the metal in steel toed boots disintegrated. Glass is primarily silica, but glass contains trace elements of metals. Thus, car windows also suffered from contact with the dust cloud. Circular holes appeared in nearby streets, buildings, and building windows.

Fire is oxidation. Cold fire is oxidation with low or no heat. Positive metal ions shanghaied electrons from water to combine with oxygen and discard the weakest molecular bonding element, hydrogen. Oxygen combining with metal ions appeared as cold fire, while nearby paper did not burn.

The twin towers construction allowed the floors to pancake like a piston inside a cylinder. The release of tension in the concrete slab floors allowed the concrete to crumble. The extraordinary result was a runaway chain reaction due to the disproportional electrostatic composition of solids, where positive charge of protons in atomic nuclei outnumber the negative charge of molecular bond electrons. Any exposed metal atoms the ion cloud came into contact with suffered shanghaied electrons resulting in molecular dissociation, which added more positive ions to the positive ion cloud as the runaway chain reaction continued.
Martian Evidence
Phil James (Univ. Toledo), Todd Clancy (Space Science Inst., Boulder, CO), Steve Lee (Univ. Colorado), and NASA/ESA

Long ago a large object impacted the planet Mars. The surface of Mars was vaporized at the point of impact. Some Martian rocks were even ejected into space, coming to rest on the glaciers of Antarctica to be recovered by Earth scientists. However, converting solid rock into airborne debris creates a runaway chain reaction in the form of a positive ion cloud of particles. When this dust landed on the waterways of that ancient water world, metal ions shanghaied electrons from water, released hydrogen protons into the atmosphere, and became rust particles, transforming the exposed surface into a red planet, while ridding the surface of water. Dust, dust everywhere, but not a drop of water remains to drink.
Mount St. Helens Evidence
USGS Photograph taken on May 18, 1980, by Donald A. Swanson

The ash that fell on Eastern Washington and other points downwind of the eruption of Mount St. Helens resembled the fine particulate dust created by the destruction of the twin towers and presumably on Mars too. A runaway chain reaction of a positive ion cloud would render chunks of solid matter into a fine particulate dust. The recorded observations about volcano eruption columns and pyroclastic flows is consistent with the electrostatic repulsion of positive ion particulate matter. The tallest known volcano in the solar system is Olympus Mons on the planet Mars.
Hiroshima Evidence
The energy released by nuclear weapons rips solid matter asunder. The runaway chain reaction of shanghaied electrons generates an expanding positive ion cloud until subatomic particle electric charge neutrality is restored. The force of the initial blast from a nuclear weapon is amplified by the expanding positive ion cloud of particulate matter it generates. The ground looks rusty in this color photograph from msn encarta.
Scientific Method Assessment
Repeatability is a major tenet of the scientific method. Knocking down other skyscrapers is not a viable option. The unique construction of the twin towers with primary structural support displaced to the exterior of the buildings made the twin towers susceptible to this catastrophe, whereas buildings with internal structural support may prove immune by diluting any catastrophic failure in time and space.

Where the scientific and engineering communities failed was in relying on known pathogens to diagnose a rare event, thus fueling theories about misdeeds and a government conspiracy. Toxic side effects continue to linger, because the phenomena produced in the destruction of the twin towers has not been well understood. Dr. Wood proposed an external pathogen in Directed Energy Weapons as the probable cause for the symptoms she cataloged, since her research followed standard operating procedure and only pointed in that direction.
Revolutionary Science Assessment
The contributions provided by Revolutionary Science come from working problems backward, where thought experiments lead to hypotheses, which serve as the basis for sifting through recorded data to find supporting evidence. When I considered the principles underlying molecular dissociation from the standpoint of ripping the molecules of a solid asunder, I determined that the result would be a runaway chain reaction converting solid matter into an expanding positive ion cloud of ever smaller particulates and subsequent chemical reactions like the oxidation of metal ions with water. That made me recall not only Dr. Wood's evidence concerning the destruction of the twin towers, but current conditions on Mars. The symptoms of both events proved consistent with my thought experiment concerning molecular dissociation. The luxury afforded by Revolutionary Science results from explanations born from a standpoint of internal consistency.
Health Hazard Implications
Now that we have a scientific hypothesis, architectural symptoms can be tested, and medical symptoms can be treated. Most of the evidence from the destruction of the World Trade Center has been removed and destroyed. However, the positive ion cloud hypothesis raises continuing hazardous implications. The structural integrity of buildings in the vicinity must be evaluated. The ionic cloud may have corroded structural beams. Also, the positive ions present a clear avenue of investigation into health problems suffered as a result of the incident, and possible treatment options may derive from a better understanding of what really happened.

For greater detail read my blog post: 9/11 Hutchison Effect Review.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental insight that exposes the inherent limitations of human understanding and knowledge at the subatomic level. As a simple analogy, imaging a video of a bouncing ball. When we play the video we see the motion of the ball, but when we pause the video, at any given moment, we see the position of the ball in a stop frame. Motion and position cannot be seen simultaneously, since the accurate measurement of motion and position are mutually exclusive, the same as they are in a video. In fact, at the subatomic level the more precisely we try to measure one the less precisely we can measure the other.

Popular representations of the Uncertainty Principle that incorporate the “observer effect” are disingenuous. No observer can exist at the subatomic level. Only measurements can be made, and any object being measured cannot be isolated from the act of measurement nor its surrounding environment.

Let's devise a popularized account of the Uncertainty Principle that eliminates this misrepresentation. However, instead of imagining ourselves as an observer at the subatomic level, which is problematic, let's imagine the subatomic level enlarged to our size, where we must lose our normal senses that do not exist at the subatomic level. It's easy to imaging a bouncing basketball. The basketball is being dribbled up and down, but in the subatomic context we cannot see it, hear it, or feel any vibrations in the floor or through the air. We cannot observe it, but we can measure either its position or its motion or both with innate limitations as to accuracy.

To do this we need to ricochet something off the basketball. A tennis ball will do, but again in the subatomic context we cannot see the tennis ball either. We can only detect when and where the tennis ball lands. We also know the path of the tennis ball, its initial speed, and when and where it started. To do this, a machine launches a tennis ball and it passes through the path of the basketball. The paths of both balls intersect, and we can measure the amount of time that the tennis ball spends within the path of the basketball. The higher the speed of the tennis ball, the greater the precision we can measure the position of the basketball. However, when the two collide, the tennis ball knocks the basketball so hard that the dribble gets interrupted.

By slowing down the speed of the tennis ball, the less the dribble gets interrupted and we are able to calculate more about the motion of the basketball, but as we do this we sacrifice information about the position of the basketball. To detect where the tennis ball lands, we will employ another analogy in our world. To see the result, we will use a digital camera with a variable exposure time. A fast exposure amounts to the fast tennis ball, whereas a slow exposure amounts to a slow tennis ball.

A fast exposure takes a crisp picture of the basketball, revealing greater accuracy in position, but less information about motion. A slow exposure takes a blurred picture, revealing greater information about motion, but less accuracy about position, as represented in these two images.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Primordial Construct: Rules of Reason

Four productive methods of reasoning exist: deductive, inductive, abductive, and analogy. Fallacious reasoning also exists, but we won’t consider that here. For consistency of form let's refer to analogy by the term associative, then we have the following Primordial Construct that governs the rules of reason.









deductiveΔ Cause« Rule» Effectmathematicians,
$ abductiveΔ Effect« Cause» Causedetectives,
+ inductiveΔ Cause« Effect» Rulelawyers,
N associativeΔ Rule« Cause» Causepreachers,

Deductive Reasoning

For deductive reasoning a given perspective cause lead us to recall a retrospective rule to infer a prospective effect. For example, given the cause of two plus two a mathematician recalls the addition rule with an effect of four. Scientists use a toolkit of known rules to explain cause and effect relationships. For instance, the classification scheme for living organisms is know as a taxonomy. Rules govern the taxonomy. Giving live birth infers a mammal, the cause and effect of deductive reasoning.

Abductive Reasoning

For abductive reasoning a given perspective effect lead us to recall a retrospective cause to infer a prospective cause. Given the effect of a victim detectives determine the general cause and then try to find the specific cause: Who done it. Diagnosticians are trained professionals like doctors or computer technicians. Given the effect of symptoms a specific cause is sought based upon known causes that produce similar effects.

Inductive Reasoning

For inductive reasoning a given perspective cause lead us to recall a retrospective effect to infer a prospective rule. Lawyers and artists use inductive reasoning, where a deliberate or accidental effect stimulus is produced in an attempt to elicit a sought after response in other people, where causes are keys that unlock access to the universal rule. In rare cases, scientists discover new rules. Isaac Newton took the effects of astronomical observations and discovered the rule of gravitation expressed as a mathematical equation, the same equation used by modern rocket scientists to navigate spacecraft around the solar system, but discovery is more an art than a science.

Associative Reasoning

For associative reasoning a given perspective rule lead us to recall a retrospective cause to infer a prospective cause. Preachers and politicians use analogies to link one cause to another cause: parables that describe moral lessons of life, or guilt by association.

Inferential Reasoning

The goal of inferential reasoning is to establish common sets of rules, causes, and effects. Teachers and negotiators try to lead the way to common ground through inference to the best possible explanation.

To be effective, all the reasoning methods combined must support an unequivocally true conclusion.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Watershed versus Pooled Models for Transit and Government

The most significant factor contributing to traffic congestion is time on the road (TOTR), a variable strongly correlated with energy consumption. In contrast, the goal of public transit is universal service, which addresses a separate, incompatible problem. Universal service implements a watershed scheme, where arterial routes feed into transfer stations that connect with urban centers, all of which increases patron TOTR while delay penalties mount with distance traveled due to transit stops picking up and letting off passengers.

However, a pooled model minimizes TOTR, conserves energy, and relieves congestion, while eliminating long distance delay penalties, and positively impacts the issues of imported oil and global warming. Only when commuters with the same destination are neighbors do point-to-point ride sharing opportunities exist. One low tech way to promote ride sharing is a street map pinned to a company bulletin board, where pins represent home locations, and then encourage coworkers to become neighbors, and to carpool or van-pool or bus-pool. New behaviors are necessary to put this plan into action. Then tracking changes in fuel consumption at the community level will provide vital feedback on coordinating efforts, while serving as a competitive incentive and raising public consciousness.

Ideas, information, education, tools, feedback, and incentives are all deficient for a coordinated community level response to the problems currently facing us. America's top priority needs to be a major paradigm shift in thinking. The onus on government to deliver watershed answers has eroded personal responsibility and activism. Instead the onus needs to be on pooled efforts, like community organization and personal involvement.

"Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." – Albert Einstein

A serious disconnect exists between conventional solutions and today's problems. Problems get sidetracked by ideologies into ill conceived "solutions" with wasteful implementations that fail to address the underlying problems.

America is suffering from industrial age attitudes. War, mass transit, factory style schools, etc. are technical solutions to social problems, and symptoms of a systemic meltdown. Living in an information vacuum expecting government to deliver watershed solutions to social problems is misplaced loyalty. As a remedy, America needs to embrace information age, coordinated, parallel, distributed paradigms, which require community organization, dissemination of information to appropriate levels, personal involvement and commitment, and frequent reality checks. The pooled model not the watershed model.

Public education is one indispensable role of government. Now more than ever we need to rewrite the textbook. Conventional wisdom got us into this mess. It's going to take unconventional wisdom to get us out of it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Primordial Construct: Satisfied vs. Frustrated Needs

Satisfied / Frustrated Needs






Have Not

Human Dimensions







Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: STS-121

A phenomenon similar to that exhibited during the STS-80 shuttle mission was recorded by video during the STS-121 shuttle mission. An antimatter meteor is a viable explanation. The meteor does not appear until it hits Earth's atmosphere, and is preceded by lightning. Electrons in Earth's atmosphere are attracted to antimatter meteor surface positrons.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Primordial Construct: IF Qualifier Statements

Here we have a table of ‘I’ ‘F’ qualifier statements and their corresponding reasoning methods. Notice ‘In fact’ and ‘It’s your fault’ have no valid reasoning methods associated with them. ‘In fact’ conclusions result from the compatibility of consensus opinions, and ‘It’s your fault’ conclusions result from the incompatibility of opinion differences or misunderstandings.

In feedback
In fashion
In the future

Is a form of
In fact

It follows
I feel
It's your fault
I've found

To be effective, all the reasoning methods combined must support an unequivocally true conclusion. Here we see two lines of reasoning that use ‘IF’ statement cycles to reach a conclusion. The arguments cycle counterclockwise around the reasoning methods, and then conclude in the center. Primordial Construct symbols mark progress around the cycle. The two lines of reasoning differ in that one is rhetorical, heading toward ‘It’s your fault’, while the other is analytical, heading toward ‘In fact.’ Let's begin with the rhetorical cycle first.

Rhetorical IF Cycle
$I’ve found compelling reasons to believe interstellar tourists are visiting Earth.UFOs
+I feel that interstellar tourists are visiting Earth due to anecdotal evidence.reports
NPerhaps a UFO is a form of interstellar tourist visiting Earth.feasibility
If interstellar tourists are visiting Earth, then the implications are...cover up
It follows that interstellar tourists are visiting Earth.UFOs?

Here’s a line of reasoning trying to conclude that interstellar tourists are visiting Earth. It begins in the south with observational evidence that UFOs exhibit unnatural motion that presumably can only be explained by control from an intelligent agent. In abductive reasoning we infer the unknown cause from the effect and a known cause. Appearance of UFOs predated human development of the necessary and sufficient technology, therefore some non human intelligent agent must control UFOs. From south we go counterclockwise to plus, where we consider the many reports of anecdotal evidence, including human observations, radar detection, photographic images, and video. The reinforcement of similar testimony tips the scale in inductive reasoning as we infer the responsible cause and rule from multiple effects.

From plus we go counterclockwise to north, where we reason by analogy that since humans can send spacecraft beyond the solar system, with more advanced technology interstellar travel is theoretically possible, and other, more advanced, intelligent agents might have already reached Earth. From north we go counterclockwise to minus, where we consider the implications. If interstellar tourists are visiting Earth, then what? If proof exists, then there must be a government cover up. Moving to the center, what can we conclude overall, besides UFOs are being observed?

If we are to debate this line of reasoning, where are the weak points? A rhetorical argument is tried in the court of public opinion, not fact, and a rhetorical argument is divisive by nature. UFOs and interstellar tourists are used as synonyms, which they are not. Man made objects may be misidentified as UFOs, and natural phenomena may be misidentified as UFOs, while some UFOs may be rare natural phenomena, for instance antimatter with antigravity properties that I've hypothesized in other blogs. How many, if any, UFOs are interstellar tourists is unknown. An argument from ignorance cannot be proved or disproved. Like the scales of justice, rhetorical evidence reinforces a position to produce a convincing argument. Lawyers and politicians often resort to rhetorical arguments to convince juries and constituents. Lawyers sell justice, whereas politicians sell an ideology to infer a future effect of peace and prosperity. Artists and musicians also aim to connect a produced effect to a general rule on an emotional or spiritual level. And the majority of women tend to communicate on an emotional level, within context.

The evidence supporting male female differences, shows a definite sex bias between deductive and inductive reasoning. According to temperament tests, male respondents show a sixty:forty preference for thinking over feeling, whereas female respondents show a sixty:forty preference for feeling over thinking. Thinking corresponds to deductive reasoning, and feeling corresponds to inductive reasoning. But temperament tests are of questionable merit because expressions of temperament are situational. To some degree we all use each of these reasoning methods depending upon circumstances, and past experience.

Analytical IF Cycle
+I feel that an antimatter hypothesis is testable.hypothesis
NPerhaps antimatter exhibits a form of antigravity.falsifiability
If antimatter has antigravity properties, then the implications are...predictions
$I’ve found incontrovertible evidence that antimatter exists, which is...validation
+It follows that antimatter does exist.conclusion

The majority of men tend to use analytical arguments to convince peers by connecting a general rule to a specific effect. Here’s a line of reasoning trying to conclude that antimatter exists. It begins at plus with a hypothesis. We assume that gravitational forces exhibit symmetry just like electrostatic and magnetic forces. From plus we go counterclockwise to north, where we formulate a testable hypothesis. Perhaps antimatter exhibits a form of antigravity, so we can test antimatter for antigravity properties. From north we go counterclockwise to minus, where we consider the implications of antimatter with antigravity properties, which I've covered in other blogs. From minus we go counterclockwise to south, where we look for incontrovertible evidence.

So where’s the incontrovertible evidence for antimatter? Out testable hypothesis links antigravity with antimatter, but antimatter is rare by Earth standards, so we have none, or maybe some is hidden away at Area 51. The only way to preserve antimatter on Earth is sealed inside a vacuum, but finding naturally occurring antimatter implies antimatter planetary nebula, supernovas, black holes, and galaxies. Astronomical observations should be able to confirm anomalous interactions between matter and antimatter, between gravity and antigravity. Heck, if the rings of Saturn are made from antimatter, then that may explain their endurance. Or we might just capture antimatter in Earth orbit, or in Earth’s atmosphere, now that we have an idea about what we’re looking for.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why Men don't Ask for Directions

Science Court

Science deals in true or false, but the law deals in right or wrong. Science leans heavily on deductive reasoning. Law leans heavily on inductive reasoning. The majority of men are predisposed to deductive reasoning, while the majority of women are predisposed to inductive reasoning. Carefully consider this argument that a couple might experience, when a woman says, ‘We never go out anymore.’ In response, her male companion recalls that the last time they went out together was two weeks prior, so he concludes her statement is false, so he thinks to himself, ‘Now what did I do.’ Feeling under attack he responds by counterattacking with, ‘You’re always exaggerating,’ or some such nonsense, and their argument escalates.

Now to prevent this communication failure in the first place the woman could have said, ‘We never go out anymore, since a couple of weeks ago.’ This qualifies her statement and overcomes the objection of being obviously false, but the man then wonders, ‘So,’ or, ‘What’s the point?’ Which is progress. At least he understands a point was intended, which he completely misread in the original version, when he felt blamed for something he didn’t do, which missed the point by a mile.

So how does a woman achieve the best of both possible worlds: conveying her point without seeming to make false accusations? Try this simple trick. ‘I feel we never go out anymore,’ is a true statement. There’s no arguing about the way a woman genuinely feels. It also conveys her feelings, which are hard to express in words, and implies that she doesn’t like feeling that way. These are natural conclusions a man might draw, and since men like to fix things, it gives him the opportunity to do or suggest something that might remedy the situation. And best of all it avoids an argument, so long as the woman refrains from countering with, ‘That’s a stupid idea.’

So let’s reexamine our couple’s dilemma using the Rules of Reason model. The woman began by saying, ‘We never go out anymore.’ Women are typically inductive, so let’s look at inductive reasoning in the table, and we see listed under given: cause. The effect is feeling upset. So what’s the cause and the rule? She decides the cause is cabin fever, and the rule is insufficient social outlets. But when her male companion hears her statement, how does he interpret it? Men are typically deductive, so let’s look at deductive reasoning in the table, and we see under given: cause. From a rule and a cause he can infer an effect. Her statement is a rule, and he infers the effect is that she is feeling upset, but what’s the cause? It has something to do with ‘we,’ so he takes it personally and infers that she is accusing him of being the cause, which triggers a subjective reaction, with unintended destructive consequences.

Let’s look at the revised statement, ‘I feel we never go out anymore.’ Is it a cause or an effect? It’s a rule, an objective statement of fact, in which ‘we never go out anymore’ is a metaphor for the way she is feeling. Her male companion correctly identifies this as an effect, but the cause is not taken personally because the focus is on ‘I’ not ‘we.’ He infers that a new cause is in order to produce a more desirable effect, triggering an objective reaction, with intended constructive consequences.

So what have we learned? Women typically think in inductive terms. The input of induction is an effect, which can be her feelings. The output of induction is a rule, which she expresses to her friends. Girlfriends understand this instinctively and apply the rule to their own experiences. Through analogy girlfriends communicate similar personal experiences. Misery loves company. However, men take a rule and infer an effect, which is her feelings. She’s feeling dissatisfied. He also infers a cause. Instead of relating to her feelings he infers that the cause is him and he feels blamed. To bypass male deduction, a woman needs to communicate objective rules not subjective rules. ‘I feel’ statements do this by turning a subjective rule into an objective fact.

What about advice for men, when communicating with women? To be fair, male speech misfires at times too. Men tend to express opinion as fact, and men typically think in deductive terms. The input of deduction is a rule. For women rules tend to be truisms about relationships, old wives tales and such, but for men rules tend to be ideas. With ideas as the input, the output of effects is sterile and unemotional, like a mathematician’s calculations. This gives deduction the impression of objective facts, rather than subjective opinion or statements of reason.

A man might say, ‘You should do this,’ rather than, ‘If this is your problem, then this might fix it.’ The prior statement gets the bum wrap that men don’t listen, because it’s in the form of a command, which sounds like an objective fact. By explicitly restating what he understands the problem to be, in the latter statement, he overcomes this perception, because it’s in cause and effect form. Now his understanding of the problem can be disputed, as well as the validity of his stated rule. An incorrect premise can lead to an incorrect conclusion. A conclusion cannot be refuted without being able to discredit the thought process that inferred it. ‘If then’ statements bring transparency to men’s thought process, as ‘I feel’ statements lend transparency to women’s thought process.

Otherwise, deduction gives the impression that men lack feelings, or the capacity to express them, or as an attack on a woman’s feelings. However, feelings reside in the realm of induction, not deduction. So deduction is unemotional, while men who lack inductive skills lack a means to express emotions. Analogy is middle ground in the battle of the sexes, which is the realm of empathy. Discussing common interests is a win-win situation. The other middle ground is abduction, where problem diagnosis takes place.

So now we have the background to diagnose some deep mysteries about men and women. For instance, ‘Why don’t men stop to ask for directions?’ The answer is elementary. Deductive reasoning is a process of elimination. It’s divide and conquer. When all else fails the backup plan is trial and error. Not all problems can be solved deductively. We can only explain things that we know rules to explain. When the rules we know are inadequate then we need to discover new rules. Deductive reasoning is not a rule making process, but a rule application process. The deductive reasoning mode suffers from self perpetuating ignorance, often to epidemic proportions. From the outside it’s obvious when a man gets lost, but from the inside a man is oblivious to the symptoms, until he runs out of options.

This mystery could just as easily be reworded in the female context, ‘Why do women feel compelled to stop and ask for directions?’ The answer is elementary too. Inductive reasoning is a process of reinforcement. Surveys are an example. The more responses we collect the greater the accuracy. That’s why girlfriends compare notes on relationship issues: to reach a consensus on what’s really happening. For us, the usefulness of this model extends well beyond sex roles.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Macro ART Review

As a hydrogen ion bond, a mother-in-law turns any neutral social unit into an acid.

More Atomic Relationship Theory

Friday, October 3, 2008

Primordial Construct: Baseball

Game Time


Monday, September 1, 2008

Science vs. Politics

Scientists make premises about the past.
Politicians make promises about the future.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Challenging Convention

Science operates like a single party political system. Rarely do we find two, rival, scientific factions sustaining a two party system. When factions compete, one faction dominates the other into submission; winner take all. Voting, in the scientific sense, amounts to rallying supporters to adopt one party line over all competitors. It takes a revolution to overthrow the existing order, and defeat is final. Name one discredited scientific theory that has ever regained preeminence. It doesn’t happen. So how would the antigravity hypothesis fare against the incumbent cosmological models of the Big Bang and outside-in galaxy formation?

As a second party candidate, the antigravity hypothesis is officially denied access to the ballot. This is regrettably true. The equivalent of campaigns and elections in the scientific community is peer review publications. The antigravity hypothesis is theoretical speculation, a flight of fantasy based upon circumstantial evidence. As such, it is automatically disqualified from the scientific peer review process. Science fiction is far more tolerant than science fact.

Intelligent design, or creation science or creationism, all faced the same obstacle. Instead of engaging in the formal scientific peer review process, divine intervention proponents formed their own peer review publications, but is that legitimate? Is going outside the system to change the system a credible alternative, or simply self delusional? When speculation cannot get a fair hearing within the conventional peer review process, is it valid to change peers?

Conservative talk radio has arisen as a peer review alternative to conventional media. Christians and Muslims are peer review alternatives to Judaism. Advertising promotes a consumer peer review alternative to competitors’ products. And conspiracy theorists promote a peer review alternative to establishment views. Any peer review process needs to expose two faults: delusion and fraud. Danger lies in peer review alternatives that ban or ridicule dissent.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Consistency

So let’s review the implications of the antigravity hypothesis that we’ve identified so far...

Pair production makes a particle and an antiparticle from energy, and conservation laws dictate that these products exhibit opposite properties, which has been verified in atomic accelerator experiments for electric charge and magnetic moment. Gravitational compliance with conservation laws implies that antigravity is a property of antimatter, since normal gravity is a property of matter. The electrostatic force is ten to the thirty-six times greater than gravity.

The preservation of parity implies that the universe contains an equal amount of matter and antimatter. Neucleosynthesis can produce light atomic elements. However, fusion is required to produce heavier atomic elements. Fusion happens in the core of stars. Planetary nebula scatter elements as heavy as oxygen. Stars that form planetary nebula become white dwarfs. Supernovas scatter elements heavier than oxygen. Stars that go supernova become neutron stars or black holes. Stars are either all matter or all antimatter, since matter and antimatter annihilate each other producing gamma rays.

Only antimatter can escape a matter black hole, and only matter can escape an antimatter black hole. Pair production of a neutron and an antineutron within a black hole results in the expulsion of hydrogen protoplasm. Black holes give birth to globular clusters and galaxies. Rural black holes reside in the intergalactic medium which is the same parity of matter as the hydrogen protoplasm that it generates. Urban black holes acquire an accretion disk that is the same parity of matter as the black hole, and produce jets. Jets produce spiral galaxies from the inside out, which evolve into elliptical galaxies. Photons fuel black holes. Creation is local to galaxies, and repulsive gravitational forces between matter and antimatter produce an expanding universe.

One thing leads to another. While investigating the consistency of nature, we’ve also explored the nature of consistency. So what requirements remain to be established to elevate the antimatter hypothesis to the status of a theory?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: The Matrix

The antimatter hypothesis began with the assumption that antimatter exhibits the property of antigravity. Since then we’ve investigated the implications of the antimatter hypothesis. The electrostatic force exhibits symmetry. The magnetic force exhibits. If the gravitational force also exhibits symmetry, then the combined forces can be arranged like this.

Primordial Force Field Matrix





Normal GravitySouth

The primordial force field matrix is composed of the three fundamental forces of nature. Positive and negative are symmetrical electric charges. North and south are symmetrical magnetic poles. Normal gravity and antigravity are symmetrical gravitational forces. Zero at the center is the neutral state for all three symmetrical forces. Humanity is currently isolated at one unit of Earth gravity this side of zero, along the gravitational axis. Aesthetically this matrix would look lopsided if antigravity did not exist.

The strength of the north magnetic pole increases in the upward direction. The strength of the south magnetic pole increases in the downward direction. The amount of negative electric charge accumulates to the left. The amount of positive electric charge accumulates to the right. Normal gravity increases toward us, and antigravity increases away from us.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Age of the Universe

In the Big Bang cosmological model, the age of the universe is measured since the instant of a hypothetical initial event. In the cyclical cellular cosmological model, age is measured in generations of galaxies since the first galaxy of the extant species, which is shrouded in prehistory like the origin of life on Earth. If each parent galaxy had two offspring, then in twenty generations over a million galaxies are born in the last generation. In thirty generations that number is over a billion, which is power of two, exponential growth that coincides with the cellular growth pattern observed in cellular biology. However, in the local group of galaxies to which the Milky Way belongs there are over thirty five galaxies and about one hundred and fifty globular clusters. How many will survive to produce offspring is anybody’s guess. A galactic generation is the measure of time from the formation of a matter black hole to the formation of an antimatter black hole. Whatever the age of a galactic generation, the universe is incredibly ancient, far older than conventional astrophysicists predict.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Population Explosion

A black hole is a cosmic cell nucleus, and hydrogen is cosmic protoplasm. The black hole and hydrogen are constructed from antiparticles of each other. We are witnesses to an ongoing process of creation. But why is the universe expanding? Why is the mass of the universe increasing? If mass were constant, then the universe would oscillating back and forth between a matter black hole and an antimatter black hole, like a slinky.

But galaxies give birth to black hole litters of dozens, and many black holes grow into healthy galaxies. The continual increase in mass of a growing universe challenges the concept of entropy. In the cyclical cellular cosmological model all the momentum in the universe sums to zero, all the matter and antimatter plus the amount locked in black holes annihilates to zero, what remains is photons that are the antiparticles of themselves. Photons and photon momentum also sum to zero. The universe is a divergent vacuum fluctuation.

So how do black holes generate more output than the amount of their initial mass? Black holes absorb electromagnetic radiation produced by the fusion of stars. In addition to their original mass, black holes tap energy from their surrounding environment and convert that energy into the mass of neutral nucleons: neutrons or antineutrons.

The observed red shift is not only caused by the Doppler Effect, but red shift is also susceptible to Compton scattering and gravitational red shift. Light travels fastest through a vacuum, but intergalactic space contains the remains of countless generations past. This slows down the speed of light in a particle medium, and interactions with particles produce thermal heating and Compton scattering. The cosmic microwave background radiation is blackbody radiation from photon thermal friction.

Galaxies and galaxy clusters act like gravitational lenses that produce gravitational red shifts.

NASA, ESA, and the SLACS Survey team: A. Bolton (Harvard/ Smithsonian), S. Burles (MIT), L. Koopmans (Kapteyn), T. Treu (UCSB), and L. Moustakas (JPL/Caltech)

European Space Agency, NASA, J.-P. Kneib (Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées) and R. Ellis (Caltech)

W.N. Colley and E. Turner (Princeton University), J.A. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies) and NASA

The universe is expanding in the fashion of cellular growth by the repulsion of opposite gravitational forces, but red shifts are inconsistent and inaccurate measurements of expansion rate, time, and distance. Expansion of the universe is governed by fractal cosmology. Clusters bunch together and form extended features like the Great Wall and the Sloan Great Wall that the Big Bang cannot explain.

W. Schaap (Kapteyn Institute, U. Groningen) et al., 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

Take a close look at this composite image of a galaxy cluster. At the center is an elliptical galaxy. Blue represents x-rays, yellow visible, and red radio waves.

Hubble and Chandra: NASA, ESA, CXC, STScI, and B. McNamara (University of Waterloo)
Very Large Array Telescope: NRAO, and L. Birzan and team (Ohio University)

Let’s take another look at the electromagnetic spectrum. The conventional interpretation for this image is that color represents temperature. According to the experts, the intergalactic temperature of the blue area is fifty million degrees. That’s hard to believe. The antimatter hypothesis alternate explanation is that the source of the x-rays is gamma rays from the annihilation of particles and antiparticles.

Electromagnetic Spectrum
RadioMicrowaveInfraredVisibleUltravioletX-rayGamma ray

Notice that gamma rays have higher energy than x-rays. Energy increases to the right. Photons lose energy through absorption. Compton scattering produces photons from the excess energy that atoms cannot absorb. The absorption spectrum of an atom or molecule is identical to its emission spectrum. This image is consistent with the cyclical cellular cosmological model.

Radio waves, on the lower end of the spectrum, are the least energetic. We agree with the experts that the radio waves are generated by jet particles, but we disagree about the mechanism that produces jets, galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the universe.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Galaxy Clusters

Globular clusters form around black holes emitting hydrogen protoplasm. Clusters grow from the inside-out.

NASA, ESA, G. Miley and R. Overzier (Leiden Observatory), and the ACS Science Team
Davide De Martin (ESA/Hubble)

Harvesting the intergalactic medium globular clusters spawned from elliptical galaxies increase in size into irregular dwarf galaxies.



A baby galaxy emits glowing hydrogen gas in a galaxy cluster. Elliptical galaxies are preferentially located at the cores of galaxy clusters.

RDCS1252: NASA, ESA, J. Blakeslee (Johns Hopkins University), M. Postman (Space Telescope Science Institute) and P. Rosati, Chris Lidman & Ricardo Demarco (European Southern Observatory)
TNJ1338: NASA, ESA, G. Miley (Leiden Observatory) and R. Overzier (Leiden Observatory)

A massive elliptical galaxy resides in the core of a galaxy cluster.

ESA & Jean-Paul Kneib (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees)

Galaxies cluster together since siblings are born of the same parent.

NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer found three-dozen local newborn galaxies. Creation is happening at all distances, which supports cyclical cellular cosmology over Big Bang mythology.

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Johns Hopkins

With galaxies multiplying all around. Some are bound to come in contact.

NASA, Jayanne English (University of Manitoba), Sally Hunsberger (Pennsylvania State University), Zolt Levay (Space Telescope Science Institute), Sarah Gallagher (Pennsylvania State University), and Jane Charlton

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Max Planck Institute

Hubble offers a collection of images of merging galaxies.

NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University), K. Noll (STScI), and J. Westphal (Caltech)

With so many merging galaxies to study, surely some galaxies should exhibit artifacts of interactions between normal gravity and antigravity. On those occasions a pair of neighboring galaxies should gravitationally repel each other, which is expected behavior should normal gravity and antigravity coexist in the universe.

NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Solar Systems


After enough hydrogen accumulates, stars ignite chain reaction thermonuclear cores as hydrogen fuses into helium. Larger stars fuse heavier and heavier atomic elements. Novas and supernovas scatter the atomic elements throughout the galaxy. From the debris, solar systems form.

Antimatter Hypothesis: Novas

A supernova is an exploding star that becomes a neutron star or a black hole. A nova exhibits a different mechanism, where a white dwarf star accumulates hydrogen from a companion star, and a cataclysmic nuclear explosion ensues. At least that’s the conventional explanation.

Can stellar objects less dense than black holes produce hydrogen protoplasm? The Crab Nebula presents an intriguing case, where X-ray emissions might represent annihilations attenuated by Compton scattering. Integral, an orbiting gamma-ray observatory satellite, discovered an antimatter cloud near the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The distribution of the antimatter cloud corresponds with the configuration of X-ray binary stars.
Assuming that a white dwarf star can separate neutron antineutron pair production then the antimatter hypothesis can propose another mechanism for novas. If the source of nova hydrogen is pair production, then the companion star might be the opposite polarity of matter. The conventional binary system would have different gravitational dynamics than a matter antimatter binary system, which means the antigravity hypothesis leads to a prediction that can be verified observationally. A matter matter binary system would need orbital velocity to keep the two stars from colliding. A matter antimatter binary system would not. If the orbital velocity of a binary system proves inadequate to maintain separation, then antigravity becomes a viable explanation.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Elliptical Galaxies

The oldest, most evolved galaxies are elliptical galaxies, which contain old stars but little interstellar gas or dust. According to incumbent cosmologists, elliptical galaxies formed from merging galaxies, and dust bands around elliptical galaxies are the remains of collisions.

In the cyclical cellular cosmological model the dust bands around elliptical galaxies are the remains of dust rims around spiral galaxies, which evolved into elliptical galaxies nurtured from the inside-out.

A jet at the core of an elliptical galaxy indicates that the jet process that produces spiral galaxies also produces elliptical galaxies. Elliptical galaxies evolve from spiral galaxies.

P. Crane (European Southern Observatory), and NASA/ESA

Stars concentrate at the core of elliptical galaxies building from the inside-out. Hot young blue stars gorge on hydrogen protoplasm near the core of elliptical galaxy M32.

M32: Tod R. Lauer/NASA

NASA and Thomas M. Brown, Charles W. Bowers, Randy A. Kimble, Allen V. Sweigart (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) and Henry C. Ferguson (Space Telescope Science Institute)

Young star clusters harvest the hydrogen protoplasm dissipating from the center of an old elliptical galaxy.

When jets build up enough resistance near the parent black hole, the hydrogen protoplasm is deflected away from the plane of the disk, and form a disk bulge. The disk bulge grows and disk galaxies evolve into elliptical galaxies.

Roeland P. van der Marel (STScI), Frank C. van den Bosch (Univ. of Washington), and NASA

NASA, Gerald Cecil (University of North Carolina), Sylvain Veilleux (University of Maryland), Joss Bland-Hawthorn (Anglo-Australian Observatory), and Alex Filippenko (University of California at Berkeley)

NASA and Jeffrey Kenney and Elizabeth Yale (Yale University)

NASA, W. Keel (University of Alabama), M. Ledlow (Gemini Observatory), F. Owen (NRAO) and AUI/NSF

NASA, Gemini Observatory and W. Keel (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Spiral Galaxies

Pressure builds up in front of a stationary jet. By offsetting the direction of the jet the pressure eases, and the jet begins its precession. According to the antimatter hypothesis, the precession of a jet is the mechanism for producing spiral galaxies. In conventional cosmology galaxies form from the outside-in. In the cyclical cellular cosmological model galaxies form from the inside-out.

The structure of spiral galaxies depends on the amount of resistance encountered by the surrounding antiparticle medium. Initially antiparticles occupy the territory outside the spiral arms. With minimal resistance near the black hole parent a barred spiral galaxy forms. The greater the resistance the jets encounter the faster its precession rate and the tighter the arms swirl into the pattern of twin spirals.

NASA, ESA, and A. Pellerin (STScI)

The volume of the jets depends on the mass of the black hole parent and hydrogen protoplasm birth rate. The pressure of the jets depends on the magnetic field strength and opposite gravity from the black hole and the focusing power of the accretion disk. Time is another factor. Dark matter antineutrinos are produced during neutron decay adding gravitation to the formation process of galaxies.

High velocity jets emanating from the central galactic black hole generate X-ray when hitting slower particles, indicating inside-out galaxy formation. Or the antiparticle medium gets sandwiched between spiral arms of galaxy M106, in which case the imagery exhibits the annihilation of matter and antimatter between the spiral arms that produce gamma rays, which are reduced in frequency through Compton scattering to X-rays. Either way is inconsistent with conventional cosmology.

M106: NASA/JPL-Caltech; X-ray: CXC/Univ. of Maryland/A.S. Wilson et al.; Optical: Pal.Obs. DSS; IR: VLA: NRAO/AUI/NSF


The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with two major arms.

Core bulges of galaxies are hydrogen nurseries for new stars.

Far ultraviolet radiation occurring around Andromeda’s arms might be the result of annihilations or a nurturing intergalactic medium. Andromeda’s active core reveals young blue stars surrounded by older cooler red stars indicating an abundance of hydrogen produced by the black hole at the core of the galaxy.


NASA/JPL/California Institute of Technology

NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)

Infant star clusters are found in the center of galaxy NGC 1512.

NASA, ESA, and D. Maoz (Tel-Aviv University and Columbia University)

The oldest part of a galaxy disk is the rim where dust from the debris of supernovas is concentrated, and the first black holes of the next generation are born.

Jets form the bar of barred spiral galaxies seen in the visible spectrum image at right. The left image is the same area in ultraviolet. Arms produced by jets spread out from the center of spiral galaxies.


The precession direction of the jets reversed to produce back spinning spiral arms within the same galaxy. Try explaining that with outside-in galaxy formation. With the inside-out galaxy formation of cyclical cellular cosmology the black hole at the center of the galaxy got clobbered by an impact, which changed the precession direction of the jets that produce the spiral arms.

In Hoag’s Object the spiral arms propagated all the way to the edge of the galactic disk. Interrupted jets produce a ring galaxy.

NGC 1291: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC