Monday, July 31, 2006

Primordial Construct: Space-Time Continuum

The space-time continuum represents familiar territory. Four dimensions, three spatial and one temporal, define any given point at any given time in the universe. Comprehensive for the purpose it serves, a paradigm describes a limited, isolated realm in its entirety. However, aspects of the universe exist outside the paradigm of the space-time continuum, e.g. color.


Within the context of space-time, the compass rose is a tool used to specify the location of any place on earth, measuring latitude North or South, and measuring longitude East or West. In addition, a few common terms represent height Up or Down. Elevation measures distance of the surface above sea level. Depth measures distance in water below the surface. And altitude measures distance in the air above the ground or water surface.

Without a fixed frame of reference, the four dimensions of space-time remain ambiguous. The standard terms used to designate an absolute point of reference or origin on earth include the following: equator, prime meridian, sea level, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and calendar.

Whereas the transition between North and South, between Up and Down, and between Past and Future seems continuous; our notions of East and West don’t mix, like oil and water. This characteristic is no accident. Between some extremes lie shades of gray, but other extremes are black and white.

Time operates in peculiar ways. Only the Present actually ever exists, and it is eternal. The Past can’t be changed, and the Future never arrives. Despite appearances space and time are inseparable. Time, as we experience it, is measured by the rotation, orbit, and procession of our planet Earth against the backdrop of the stars, including Sol, our sun.

Metric dimensions of distance, mass, and volume come in the units: meters, grams, and liters. Roughly equivalent English values come in the units: inches or feet or yards or miles, ounces or pounds or tons, and teaspoons or tablespoons or cups or quarts or gallons.

Time is measured in the units: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, and millennia.

On vastly different scales are the special purpose units: angstroms and light-years.

Primordial Construct: Template

The Primordial Construct Template designates indiscriminate place holders for labeling the Primordial Construct. After many attempts, ten distinct aspects proved adequate for a comprehensive chart of existence. The ten labels are linked into four pairs, comprising eight directions, plus two additional nodes.



A slight modification of the space-time continuum model suffices to produce ten unique labels that are used as Primordial Construct references. Four of the eight directions remain unchanged: North, South, Past, and Future. Up and Down are relics of a narrow, flat earth mentality. In and Out will prove more useful, because they substitute well for Down and Up respectively, relative to the center of the earth, while also encompassing the concept of scale. East and West are replaced with Plus and Minus respectively, since they not only convey right and left directions but increase and decrease as well. The word Current, with its double meanings comprising both now and flow, substitutes for the node Present. For the final node, anchoring the spatial dimensions, the label Home conveys a sense of origin, balance, stability, and change in discrete stages, as in the word homeostasis.


A symbol identifies each of the eight directions and two nodes, while at the same time tagging terms related to Primordial Construct attributes.

« Past, resembles a rewind button symbol
Δ Current, in mathematics delta represents a small slice of time or space, somewhate resembles the triangle on a play button
» Future, resembles a fast forward button symbol
N North, magnetic north
Out, up arrow
Minus, represents subtraction or decrease
Home, approximately equal to symbol represents homeostasis
+ Plus, represents addition or increase
In, down arrow
$ South, magnetic south, dollar sign represents materialism

Beyond the coordinates in four dimensional space-time lie additional properties of a place. Ambiance provides richer texture, and that is the point in starting out with abstract dimensional labels of an indiscriminate nature. In progressing from denotation to connotation, resolving the unique properties of each aspect of the Primordial Construct is the intent of this exercise. In hindsight, ten elements proves a necessary and sufficient number of candidate categories for representing the Primordial Construct.