Monday, July 21, 2008

Antimatter Hypothesis: Crop Circles

Let’s consider what would happen should antimatter reach ground level, in a farmer’s field perhaps. Any biological organism would suffer severe cellular damage from an overdose of gamma radiation produce by matter antimatter annihilations, and the gravitational experience would mimic the proverbial ‘being stuck between a rock and a hard place.’ The crops would flatten to the ground. This is the initial description of crop circles. For sure, hoaxes have been perpetrated since then, but early reports of crop circles are consistent with this model of antimatter with antigravity properties. If human nature hasn’t changed in millennia then modern crop circle hoaxers may be descendants of early inhabitants of the Nazca Desert in Peru.
Anecdotal Evidence
When I was a child, my mother relayed an incident some of her relatives told her. My mother, now deceased, grew up on a farm in Nebraska. Her relatives were driving home at night when they spotted a light in a corn field. They pulled over and stopped the car beside the road, turned off their car lights and watched the object. When an oncoming car approached they thought the passengers would notice also, but the light dimmed so the other car continued on without stopping. They stayed for awhile and then went home.

The next day they returned and went to the farmer, who owned the field. They told the story of what they saw. They all went to the field together, and found the crops flattened in a circle. I cannot recall specifically how my mother described the scene, all the other parts of the story are easy to relate to. I cannot recall for certain whether she described the scene as "charred" or "scorched." I heard this story long before I ever learned about the crop circle phenomena. The dimming effect could be an optical illusion. When we see headlights at night our visual acuity deteriorates and we need time to readjust to darkness after the light is gone.

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